miércoles, noviembre 05, 2014

People of the world! Save Catalonia!

To start I want to say sorry because my english is maybe a little bit ridiculous but I think that everybody will understand me... why? because is very easy to understand something when it's true...

The catalonian case is incredible, is an espontaneous movement that comes from the people from everywhere, people that live and normally works in Catalonia that sometimes know something about this country's history, but not always, and is not necessary to understand that now, that is the important thing, now, the injustice is in every corner when people that is paying a lot of stupids taxes, everybody here can see how this money goes to Madrid, and never returns to make our lifes better, and especially with the growing corruption and the new or old "new" world order...

But not only because the present problems we want the suport of all the people, we are Catalonia, we are a country and we were a very important country in other times, it's only a regularitzation of the situation what we need. Thank you to help Catalonia. Save Catalonia!
